Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Ready!

I know I haven't blogged in a while, but I honestly have had a blogger's block. Any ideas for a good craft blog entry? I got nothing. I've been so busy lately trying to get burp cloths, bibs, and onesies made for the Childbirth Fair in August that I've not had time to blog. Please don't lose interest! I promise to do better.

I did get some great bib patterns from Etsy the other day, so I will be trying them out this week. I have only made one or two bibs before and I'm trying to branch out. I think they'll go well with the burp cloths for a nice set. Here is a picture of the patterns I bought:

I got them from strawberrytruffle. I really love the square one but it's not quite as long as I thought it would be. I might extend it to make a toddler bib. Cute, huh?

Oh! I also added these burp cloths to my Etsy store. Check 'em out and let me know what you think!



  1. Thanks for your comment Sara...I love those bibs and burp cloths!

  2. Very cute! It was the kitty one I had to have in the end though.

  3. Thanks, Viv! I will have to make the kitty in different patterns. It seems to be a hit!
