Friday, June 5, 2009

New Burp Cloth!

I made a new burp cloth and I really think it's my favorite one yet. It's a caterpillar!

The body was machine-appliqued and the antennae were hand-embroidered. I stitched it up in probably less than an hour, but since it was my first one, I'm sure it will go quicker next time.

I must say, I'm pretty proud of the little guy. My husband was pretty impressed, too. He especially liked how the stitches made it look like he had "fuzz", which I hadn't even noticed! Mr. Savvy Stitcher is so smart!

I want to sew up another one to go with it to make a set for my store but don't have any patterned fabric to coordinate with it. I do have some solid colors that will match though. Should I do a totally different fabric with a pattern? I'd really like them to coordinate. Any suggestions are appreciated! I'll have to make a boy's set next.

I also made some glass marble magnets which I think turned out pretty nicely as well. I just love magnets! Before long, my refrigerator will be covered and my husband will think I've lost my mind (if he doesn't already).


1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thank you for visiting our blog! We always use wonder under. I think it definitely helps but it may not be at all necessary for some people. How do you keep the fabric in place while you stitch around? Very cute little caterpillar!! Love the marble magnets too! I would love to know how to do those!

